Official news and updates for APK Multi-Tools official WEBSITE as well as for APK Multi-Tools ANDROID Development
This is a application That is tied Directly to my Blog for new and updates to my development of my applications as well as the development of the APK Multi-Tools Applications for editing apk files
The main windows app includes theses
- Added framework dependent decompiling (For non propietary rom apks). (Option 10). Checks whether the dependee apk u selected is correct.
- Allows multiple projects to be modified, switch to and from.
- Allows to modify system apk's using apktool but ensures maximum compatibility in terms of signature / manifest.xml
- Batch optimize apk (Zipalign,optipng,or both)
- Batch Ogg optimization
- Batch install apk from script (option 19)
- Batch Theme Image Transfer TOOL
- Batch Theme optipng TOOL
- Batch Theme Zipalign APK TOOL
- Compression level selector (monitor status above menu)
- Error detection. Checks if error occurred anytime u perform a task, and reports it
- Extract, Zip apk's.
- Incorporates brut.all's apktool
- Improved syntax of questions/answers
- Logging on/off has been removed. Instead a log.txt is created which logs the activities of the script organized using time/date headers
- Optimize pngs (ignores .9.pngs)
- Pull apk from phone into modding environment.
- Push to specific location on phone
- Quick sign an apk (Batch mode supported)
- Read log (Option 24)
- Sign apks
- Supports batch installation, so if u drag multiple apks into the script (not while its running) it will install them all for u. U can ofcourse drag a single apk as well
- User can change the max java heap size (only use if certain large apks get stuck when decompiling/compiling apks) (Option 19)
- U can now set this script as ur default application for apks. When u do, if u double click any apk it will install it for u.
- Zipalign apks
- Much Much more
Recently changed in this version:
Version 0.81.13454.72073
Download Here: