Spoony+ Funny Talking Friend v3.0.270

Spoony+ Funny Talking Friend v3.0.270
Requirements: Android 2.2 or higher
Overview: Cute extraterrestrial Spoony wants to make friends with you! That’s right, with you! He’ll cheer you up with jokes and games, show you your favorite TV shows and much, much more! He knows what you want! Funny, cheerful and outgoing, he’s really alive! Get to know him, and he will make your life sunny, because he’ll:

• Supply you with games, videos and jokes
• Turn your favorite radio stations on
• Show you your favorite TV-shows
• Even dance for you!
• Provide fun for all
• And he speaks English, Russian and Spanish!
More and more features become available every week, so stay tuned for updates: this funny app meets all your needs!
Integration with:
smilezilla.com ; lotsofjokes.com ; reddit.com ; BrainyQuote.com ; coolfunnyquotes.com ; funlol.com ; funnyjunkz.com ; YT Comedy ; JustForLaughsTV and many other popular resources

Download Instructions:

Download Here.
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