CRT Buttons v29

CRT Buttons v29 

Image result for CRT Buttons v29
Image result for CRT Buttons v29

Application features:

While I’ve included hundreds and hundreds of icons, there is also a beautifully executed mask included to keep even un-themed apps looking nice and similar.
This app is part of my update system, and so I’ll keep making whichever icons I think would benefit from individual love and affection.
They’re set at a buck eighty under my us-usual charity umbrella.
As is customary, there’s a pretty dashboard, a couple of internal/external wallpapers, links to my social media presences and various interesting online resources.
There’s also a fairly robust Icon Request feature and a bunch of cool wallpapers hosted on my server.
And, of course, apply-buttons for most of the major launchers.
Supported launchers include most of the ones you would expect these are supported to various degrees. The big ones work well, others may or may not work.

Direct Download:


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